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  • A health coach is not a doctor, nutritionist, counselor, consultant, or personal trainer.

  • Health coaches do not analyze, diagnosis, or treat mental health behaviors.

  • Health coaches do not test, diagnosis, or prescribe treatment for medical conditions.

  • Health coaches do not lead nor prescribe specific fitness or meditation programs.

  • However, health coaches do collaborate, with all other wellness professionals, to provide effective, integrated, and transformational support for their clients.


  • Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches are trained to offer scientific and experienced-based bio-individual support, that focuses on health and wellness.

  • The goal of health coaching is to empower clients to practice independent self-care, by choosing health-promoting behaviors that foster long-term change, and produce a robust health status.

  • Health coaches focus on the relationship between food and lifestyle, and how they both affect health. Coaches guide clients to find and sustain nutritional balance, from the food on their plate, to the nourishing aspects of relationships, career, physical activity, and mindset.

Vicki Marie Stolsen is an Integrated Nutrition Health Coach, certified by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York City.

Vicki Marie was born and raised in Seattle, where she studied art, advanced a business career, and developed a spiritual connection to nature, hiking the mountain trails of the Pacific Northwest since childhood. She is an author, a fitness expert, a self-care specialist, and a life-long activist for social justice. After a twenty-five year career as a business executive, Vicki Marie left Seattle and moved abroad in 2012, to organize her activities of daily living around dance, writing, and outdoor adventure. At the same time, a dreadful diagnosis led her to become a cancer warrior and self-care expert. That diagnosis transformed into an unexpected blessing, setting a positive course for her health and her lifestyle. Vicki Marie lives in Barcelona, Spain, where she is writing a book and works as a health coach, serving clients anywhere in the world.

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MEET ME ON ZOOM! For more information about coaching support for your health, weight loss, or longevity goals, I invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation with me, Vicki Marie Stolsen.

Thanks for reaching out! I'll touch back soon!

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